Advent of Code 2024 in SQLite: Day 6

Day 6 was a bit of a challenge and the first day where the solution required recursive CTEs.

On this day the input was a map like this one:


The [^]-cell represents a guard that walks around on the map. The [.]-cells are cells that the guard can walk on and the [#]-cells are obstacles.

I started by parsing the input into a coordinate list.

create table T (row text) strict;
.import 06_input.txt T
.load ./
.mode box

-- parse input

-- M is the parsed map as a coordinate list
-- x is the column index
-- y is the row index
-- v is the char at (x, y)
M(x, y, v) as materialized (
		T.rowid - 1,
	from regex_find_all(".", T.row) as R
	join T

The initial state of the guard was always to walk in a straight line upwards. If the guard collides with a #-cell the guard performs a 90 degree turn clockwise and keeps walking in the new direction.

The first task was to count the number of tiles the guard walks on until the guard falls of the map or enters an infinite loop.

I simulated the guard walk using a recursive CTE:

-- solve recursively
-- x, y is the position of the guard
-- dx, dy is the direction vector for the guard
S(x, y, dx, dy) as (
	-- case: base case, guard is walking in direction (0, -1)
	select x, y, 0, -1 from M where c = '^'

	-- case: the next tile is walkable
	select x+dx, y+dy, dx, dy from S
		((x+dx, y+dy, '.') in M or
		 (x+dx, y+dy, '^') in M)

	-- case: the next tile is blocked
	-- perform rotation (dx, dy) -> (-dy, dx)
	select x, y, -dy, dx from S
	where (x+dx, y+dy, '#') in M

Then to get the result I counted the number of distinct (x, y)-pairs in S:

select count(*) as result from (
	select distinct x, y from S

For part 2

-- O contains the tiles where we will place obstacles
O(ox, oy) as (
	select distinct x, y from S
	except select x, y from M where v = '^'

-- N is the recursive solver for the guard walks with
-- placed obstacles
-- ox, oy is where the obstacle is placed
-- x, y is the position of the guard
-- dx, dy is the direction vector of the guard
N(ox, oy, x, y, dx, dy) as (
	-- case: base case, guard is walking in direction (0, -1)
	select ox, oy, x, y, 0, -1 from M join O where v = '^'

	-- case: the next tile is walkable
	select ox, oy, x+dx, y+dy, dx, dy from N
		(x+dx, y+dy) != (ox, oy)
		((x+dx, y+dy, '.') in M or
		 (x+dx, y+dy, '^') in M)

	-- case: the next tile is blocked by #
	-- perform rotation (dx, dy) -> (-dy, dx)
	select ox, oy, x, y, -dy, dx from N
	where (x+dx, y+dy, '#') in M

	-- case: the next tile is blocked by O
	-- perform rotation (dx, dy) -> (-dy, dx)
	select ox, oy, x, y, -dy, dx from N
	where (x+dx, y+dy) = (ox, oy)
select (
	-- count the number of placed obstacles
	select count(*) from O
) - (
	-- find number of guards that walked off the map
	select count(*) from N
	where (x+dx, y+dy) not in (select x, y from M)